Train To Win. For Races, For Goals, For Life.
Yesterday was the 3rd event of the Capital SUP Race Series, a paddle series created to the keep the Maryland & Washington DC paddle communities engaged through the Fall & Winter months. Traditionally, our race training program has been stand up paddleboarding specific. Our new mission is to promote and include all paddle craft (outrigger, surf ski, and kayak) into our program. The Spa Sprints paddle race served as our end of Fall Race Training Program time trials. The air and water temperatures are dropping every day, but that didn’t stop a stoked group of paddlers from competing in a fun, social, and competitive paddle race.
We host time trails for the paddlers to track their progression by way of timed distances. We test for the 1 Mile, 1/2 Mile, and 200 meter sprint time. We have chosen these distances because they reflect race day strategy.
Race Results
The longest and the most taxing of the three distances. Before we hit the water, the Capital SUP coaching team instructs the group on the different phases of the 1-mile distance to have a successful run and not burn out. 100% at the start to create separation. Dial it down and get a good pace going for the first 1/2 mile. Turn it on again at the last quarter mile for a sprint to the finish.
1/2 Mile
While the paddlers are still recovering from the 1-mile, the goal for the 1/2 mile distance is to record a faster time than the 1/2 mile split time of their 1-mile distance.
200 Meter Sprint
The 200-meter sprint is our mock race start and finish that we use for the race training program. The goal: to create separation from the start line to find clean water and set the pace for the race.
100 Paddle Erg
To finish off the day, a few of the guys wanted to give the Kayak Pro SUP Erg a try. A stand up rowing machine that replicates the paddle stroke precisely and adds another element of intensity. 100 meters as fast as you can is no joke. The guys were huffing and puffing there way out the door!
As our Fall Race Training Program comes to an end, that means the Winter Program is around the corner! Three months of an on-land & on-water workout program.
Tuesday’s 6:30PM On-Land Strength & Power
Thursday’s 6:30PM On-Land Balance & Coordination
Saturday’s 10:00AM On-Land Bootcamp
11:30AM On-Water Workout
Program: $300
Drop-In: $15